We offer a Common Sense Approach to Growing Wealth. In addition to tax preparation, we provide the following services:

  • Free consultation
  • A service rendered at no cost to the customer which involves a one on one discussion concerning your taxes

  • Common Sense Approach To Growing Wealth
  • Aids and helpful hints to help change behavior patterns, bring spending under control and financial discipline to ensure a secure tomorrow

  • Prior year taxes
  • Able to facilitate tax returns as far back as 2007 for both State and Federal

  • Comprehensive Bookkeeping
  • A service that is rendered to small businesses to help them with quarterly taxes and maintaining daily, weekly and monthly statements of their business

  • Local pick-up & delivery
  • Local pick-up & delivery (including Baltimore)

  • Intercession
  • Available to help intercede with most tax issues, including those tax returns not prepared by Tony’s Affordable Taxes

  • Year round availability
  • A year round service – We make ourselves available year around to assist with tax preparation and tax issues both State and Federal

  • American Express Serve Card
  • A Reloadable Prepaid Card that gives you, the client, the option for quick and easy access to your IRS refunds as well as free ATM withdrawals.

  • Flat Rate
  • A service being provided to our customers with an income of $50,000 and below.

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